Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Election Day; Sour and Sullen

I laughed when I saw the front pages of today's New York Times and Wall Street Journal..

The Times election story headline was "G.O.P. Confident On Election's Eve, With Voters Sour"; the WSJ front page said  "Sullen Voters Set to Deliver Another Demand for Change".

"Sour"? "Sullen"?  It sounds like dialog from one of those seafaring novel, maybe a Horatio Hornblower  or possibly one of the recent Patrick O'Brian Jack Aubry adventures. 

"Captain, I the bosun's mate looked sour when I give him his orders, he just turned his back and walked away.  And this morning when I ordered the sails set the crew has a sullen look about them.  I'm afraid there might be a  mutinous attitude brewing up forward among the crew".

Well actually, there is.  It is a bit unfocused but it definitely is aimed at the folks in NY and DC who see a typical mid-term rejection of the Presidential party and more deeply rooted misgivings about the direction of the country as some sort of mutiny below decks. 

The explanation the NYT and WSJ comes up with has nothing to do with policy disagreements or a rejection of  the NYC/DC consensus; it is that there is something wrong with the damned crew, the people who live up forward and below deck, the ones who do the dirty work on the ship for little pay.  The crew has stopped listening to its betters, the well-dressed folks who dine aft in the Captain quarters.

Don't blame me, I voted libertarian....

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